Automatic Control System :-
- Unit - I :
Introduction to open loop and closed loop control systems, feedback characteristics of control systems, Mathematical Representation of physical systems Electrical, Mechanical, Hydraulic, Thermal systems, Block diagram algebra and signal flow graphs, Mason’s gain formula.
- Unit - II :
Time Domain Analysis: Standard Test Signals, Time response of First, Second and Higher order systems, Performance Indices.Error Analysis: Static and Dynamic Error Coefficients, Effect of adding poles and zeroes to the system, response of P, PI, and PID controllers.
- Unit - III :
Concept of Stability: Concept of stability, Asymptotic and conditional stability, Routh Hurcoitz Criterion, Root Locus technique (Concept and construction)Frequency Response Analysis: Correlation between time and frequency response, polar and inverse polar plots, Nyquist stability criterion, Bode plots, All pass and minimum phase systems, M and N circle.
- Unit - IV :
Design through compensation techniques: Realization of lag, lead and lag-lead compensators, Design of closed loop control system using root locus and Bode plot Compensation
- Unit - V :
Stable Variable Analysis: Introduction, State space representation, State modes of linear systems, State equations, transfer matrices, diagonalization solution of state equations, controllability and observability, effect of pole zero cancellation in transfer function. Advances in Control Systems: Basic Introduction to Neural Networks and Fuzzy logic control.