Microwave & Radar Engineering :-
- Unit - I :
Propagation through waveguides:Rectangular waveguide, solution of wave equation in rectangular co-ordintes, Derivation of field equations for TE & TM modes degenerate and dominant mode, Power Transmission and Power loss, Excitation of waveguides, non existence of TEM mode in waveguides, Introduction to circular Waveguides, Stripline and microstripline.
- Unit - II :
Microwave cavity resonators:Rectangular and cylindrical cavities, Quality factor, Excitation of cavities.Microwave components:Waveguide couplings, bends and twists, Transitions, Directional couplers, hybrid couplers, Matched load, Attenuators and phase shifters, E-plane, H-plane and Hybrid Tees, Hybrid ring, Waveguide discontinuities, Windows, Irises and Tuning screws, Detectors, wave meters; Isolators and Circulators, tunable detector, slotted line carriage, VSWR meter. Scattering Matrix.
- Unit - III :
Microwave Measurements:Measurement of frequency, Wave length, VSWR, Impedance, Attenuation, Low and high power. Radiation pattern.
- Unit - IV :
Limitation, of conventional active devices at Microwave frequency
- Unit - V :
Klystron, Reflex Klystron, Magnetron, TWT, BWO: Their schematic, Principle of operation, performance characteristics and application.
- Unit - VI :
Microwave Semiconductor Devices:PIN diode, Tunnel diode, LSA diode, varactor diode, Gunn Devices, IMPATT and TRAPATT, their Principal of operation, characteristics and applications
- Unit - VII :
Principles of Radar:Radar Block diagram operation, Radar Range equation, Radar Frequencies, Pulse and C.W. Radar, Introduction to Doppler and M.T. Radar, Applications.
- Unit - VIII :
Radar Transmitters & Devices:Block diagram of radar receiver for C.W. and pulse radar, front end amplifier, Receiver noise figure, Duplexers Radar antennas, Radar Displays, Introduction to Radar clutter.