- Unit - I : Special Diodes
LED, Varactor, Photodiode, Schotkey barrier, tunnel diodes and their constructions and characteristics
Bipolar Junction Transistors : Transistor as an amplifier, small signal Equivalent circuits (Hybrid-pi, Ebers moll), Graphical Analysis, biasing the BJT for discrete-circuit design,
- Unit - II :
Basic Single Stage BJT amplifier configurations transistor as a switch-cut off & saturation, complete static characteristics, Internal capacitances and second order effects
Field Effect transistor-Structure and physical operation of Enhancement and depletion types MOSFET, I/V characteristics, MOSFET circuits at DC, MOSFET as an amplifier, biasing in MOS amplifier circuits, Basic configurations of single stage MOS amplifier, Internal capacitances of MOSFETS.
- Unit - III :Frequency Response
S-Domain analysis, amplifier transfer function, Low and high frequency response of common source and common emitter amplifiers, common base & common gate cascade configurations, Frequency response of source followers, CC-CE cascade.
- Unit - IV : Feed Back
General feed back structure, properties of negative feed back, four basic feed back topologies sedries shunt; series-series; shunt-shunt; & shunt-series feedback amplifier, determination of Loop gain, stability problem.
- Unit - V : Oscillators
Basic principles of sinusoidal oscillator, RC oscillators: Weinbridge and phases half tuned oscillators: Collptts, Hartley and Clap. Crystal Oscillators.