- Unit - I : Introduction
Characteristics of digital system, Types of Digital circuits, Number system: Direct conversion between bases Negative numbers & BCD and their arithmetic’s, Boolean Algebra, Minimization of Boolean Functions :Map & Tabular method upto 6 variable and miltiple output circuits Error detecting & correcting codes, Hamming & cyclic codes
- Unit - II : Combinational Logic Circuits
Design Procedure, Adders, subtractors & code conversion, Multiplexers/ Demultiplexers, encoder / decoders, decimal adders & amplitude comparators, ROM as decoder, PLA & PAL.
- Unit - III :Sequential Logic Circuits
Flip –Flops and their conversions, Analysis and synthesis of synchronous sequential circuit, excitation table, state table & state diagram. Design of synchronous counters, shift registers and theie applications.
Algorithm State Machine: ASM chart, Timing considerations, Control Implementation Design with Multiplexers, PLA control
Asynchronous Sequential Circuits: Analysis Procedure Reduction of state & flow table, Race free state assignment.
- Unit - IV : Logic Families
Diode, BJT & MOS as a switching element concept of transfer characteristics, Input characteristics and output characteristics of logic gates, Fan-in, Fan-out, Noise margin, circuit concept and comparison of various logic families: TTL, IIL, ECL, NMOS, CMOS Tri-state logic, open collector output, Interfacing between logic families, packing density, power consumption & gate delay.
- Unit - V : Hazard and Fault Detection
Static and dynamic Hazard : Gate delay, Generation of spikes, Determination of hazard in combinational circuits, Fault detection methods: Fault Table & Path sensitizing methods.
- Unit - VI :Memories
Sequential, Random Access, NMOS & CMOS Static and Dynamic Memory elements, one and multi-dimensional selection arrangement, Read-only memories, Formation of memory banks.